Thursday 16 August 2007

So you want to change your Job?

I have been slugging on this job for some years now, I am tired, lack motivation and I think I need a change. Doe that sound like something that has been going round and round in your head?

Here are a few tips:
Have you considered taking a break- long or short one?- In my experience, taking a break, short or long actually have a soothing effect and also serves as a time of deep reflection as regards what you really want to do. A lot of us folks take on jobs because it can afford to pay the mortgage and put food on the table. A few years down the line, you find out that you are burned out and lack the drive to continue.

Have you considered a change of scene? A lot of times, nothing is wrong with us, but the environment in which we work has a significant effect on our lives. We cant all be like the coffee bean that dominates its environment if put in warm water. Some of us when we pass through the warm waters of life and career, we just become shrinked into our shells. Sometimes, all you need is a change of environment. Find a similar job in a different environment.

Have you considered your environment?- From my experience over the years I have found out that in some cases, the stress you go through as a result of your environment may also contribute to your lack of gusto at work. Family issues, emotional trauma, financial chains amongst many. Sit down and really identify the root cause. Why? Why and Why? do I want to leave this job?

Otherwise, after spending a couple of years down in this new job, you'll enter the same cycle and start experiencing the same turmoil all over again. So as the saying goes, 'Look before you leap' and 'Think before you Act'

What you really need is a career and not a job. Sit down and ask yourself, what makes me buzz?If I dont have bills to pay, what would I rather be doing? Take time to think and the result will be rewarding.

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